Exploring osmotic stress-activated RBP regulation in yeast

We are please that our collaboration with the Per Sunnerhagen from Gotheborg University (Sweden) is final out. Great work leaded by Elena Garre from the Sunnerhagen lab! The Lsm1-7/Pat1 complex binds to stress-activated mRNAs and modulates the response to hyperosmotic shock. Garre E, Pelechano V, Sánchez Del Pino M, Alepuz P, Sunnerhagen P. PLoS Genet. 2018 Jul Read more about Exploring osmotic stress-activated RBP regulation in yeast[…]

We welcome Lilit

We welcome Lilit Nersisyan to our team.  Lilit is a computational biologist who recently obtained her Phd in Armenia and Germany. She will join or efforts to understand better gene expression, RNA metabolism and ribosome dynamics using novel NGS approaches.

Research highlight by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

We are honoured that the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation drafted a research highlight about our work. Thanks to the support from the Wallenberg foundation, our group can focus on long-term high-impact research. Finding differences between identical cells Although their genes may be identical, bacteria or cancer cells, for example, may react differently to a given Read more about Research highlight by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation[…]

Postdoctoral opening at Dreij Lab

Our collaborator Kristian Dreij has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher. Dreij’s lab studies the biological consequences of transcriptional errors with the aim to understand how misincorporation during transcription affects the expressed protein and downstream processes involved in development of diseases such as cancer. Apply using this link. Deadline 21st February.

Open positions at Jaime Huerta’s lab at CBGP in Madrid

A good colleague of mine is starting a computational genomics group at the CBGP institute in Madrid. They focuses on the use and development of comparative (meta-)genomic methods to decipher what makes each organism and ecosystem unique. They study processes such as gene loss and duplication, speciation, functional conservation and horizontal gene transfer. For this, they Read more about Open positions at Jaime Huerta’s lab at CBGP in Madrid[…]

Amgen Scholars Program at Karolinska Institutet

The Amgen Scholars Program at Karolinska Institutet (KI) is an opportunity for international and national undergraduate students to conduct research during 8 weeks in the summer at KI. Please find here information on how to apply to this exiting opportunity here: http://ki.se/en/education/amgen-scholars-program-at-karolinska-institutet Here some general information for the Amgen Scholar program. Application deadline:  February 1 Read more about Amgen Scholars Program at Karolinska Institutet[…]