Maryia and Yuanyuan got awarded their Master degree

We want to congratulate Maryia Ropat and Yuanyuan Xi who recently defended their Research projects for the SciLifeLab Master’s programme in Molecular Techniques in Life Science (KI/KTH/SU). They both performed excellent computational work at our lab in the context of transcriptional complexity and RNA degradation. Congratullations!

Welcome Donal!

We welcome Donal Barrett to our team. Donal studied at the University of Limerick (Ireland) and Stockholm University. He studied Molecular Biology at Umeå University, Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet. He will help us in the development of novel molecular biology and genomic tools for biomedicine.  

Welcome Inka!

We welcome Inka Schröter to our lab. She is a master student from the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) who will perform an Erasmus+ internship with us. She will collaborate on the development of novel approaches to study chromatin.  

We welcome Sueli

We welcome Sueli Marques to our team.  Sueli is an experienced researcher in the field of epigenetics, single-cell regulation and neurobiology. Sueli obtained her PhD at the University of Coimbra and performed her post-doctoral work at Karolinska Institutet. She will help us to develop our research environment and lead multiple projects in the field of transcriptional Read more about We welcome Sueli[…]