Vicent Pelechano, PhD
Associate Professor.
Vicent studied Biochemistry at the University of Valencia (Spain) where he also obtained a PhD. He joined EMBL (Germany) in 2009 as a postdoctoral fellow and became Staff Scientist. He is group leaderat KI (MTC) since 2016 and SciLifeLab and Wallenberg Academy Fellow. Since 2024 he heads a MTC Scilifelab Division.

Yerma Pareja, PhD
Research Engineer.
Yerma obtained a Master degree and Bachelor in Biomedicine by the University of Seville (Spain). She joined our lab on Sep 2017. She defended her PhD on 2024 and transition to her new coordination role as Research Engineer on 2024.

Susanne Huch, PhD
Researc Specialist
Susanne worked as research specialist at the Universities of Heidelberg, Arizona and Umeå. She obtained her PhD in at Umeå University. She joined our team in 2017.

Donal Barrett
PhD student and Resear Technician
Donal studied Sport Sciences and Nutrition at the University of Limerick (Ireland) and Stockholm. He specialized on Molecular Biology at Umeå University, Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet. He joined our team on 2018 as Reseach Technician and in 2022 as PhD student.

Eva Brinkman, PhD
Eva studied at the Technical University Delft and Leiden University. She did her Phd in 2019 (Netherlands Cancer Institute). She joined our lab in 2019.

Ryan Hull, PhD
Ryan studied at the University of Birmingham. He did his Phd in 2018 (Babraham Institute, University of Cambridge). He joined our lab in 2019.

Irene Stevens
PhD student
Irene obtained a BA at Hunter College (NY, USA) and a MD at Oradea (Romania). She worked as junior bioinformatician at NIH, Cornell and Karolinska. She joined our lab in July 2020.

Guido Baselli, PhD
Guido studied at the University of Milan and obtained a Phd in Clinical and Experimental Medicine in 2020. He joined our lab in 2021.

Honglian Liu
PhD Student
Honglian obtained a Bachelor degree at the China Agricultural University in Beijing, and a Master in Molecular Biology from the University of Gothenburg. She Joined our lab in 2022 as Research Assistant. On 2024 she became a PhD student with us.

Hui Zhou, PhD
Hui studied Bioengineering and obtained his PhD in 2022 from the Chinese Academy of Science in Shanghai with a focus on Computational Metagenomics. He joined our lab in 2024.

Adriana Carvajal Jimenez
PhD student
Adriana holds a MSc Translational Medical Sciences by the University of Glasgow (UK) and a S Bachelor degree in Microbiology and Clinical Chemistry (University of Costa Rica). Her work
focus on the development ofclinical genomic applications. She Joined our lab in 2023 as Research Technician. On 2024 she became a PhD student with us.

Carlos Santolaria, PhD
Santo obtained his Bachelor and PhD degree in in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine at the Universitat Autonomy de Barcelona in 2022. His work focus on the use of genetic engineering to study the crosstalk between the metabolite and gene expression. He joined our lab in 2023.

Eduardo Sagredo, PhD
Eduardo studied at La Frontera University, Temuco. He did his Phd in 2018 (University of Chile). He is affiliated to the Visa (SU) lab and collaborates with us as part of the SciLifeLab-SU program. On 2024 she joined us full time at Karolinska Institutet.

Anna Toldra Filella, PhD

Luke White, PhD
Luke got his Biology degree from the University of Colorado and a PhD from the University of Montana (USA). After a short postdoc in Uppsala he joined our lab in 2024. His project focus on the study of RNA biology with spatial resolution.

Wasma Amin Abdelgadir Ahmed , PhD
Res Engineer

Gaoyang Wang
Res Assitant

Manu Tekkedil
Res Engineer
Manu as a Bachelor in Industrial Biotechnology from Anna University and worked at EMBL (Germany) from 2009-2015. After some time in the private sectors, Manu joined our teat in 2025 to develop novel genome-wide technology methods.

Lefteris Sinanis
Res Assitant

Ilaria Piazza, PhD
Visiting Principal Researcher
Ilaria is a Group Leader at MDC Berlin.

Yujie Zhang, PhD
Yujie obtained a Bachelor and a Master degree in Viticulture and Enology at the Northwest A&F University (Shaanxi). She joined our lab in Oct 2017. She defended her PhD on 2023 and joined the Piazza Team as Postdoctoral Researcher on 2024.

Mandy Meijer, PhD
PostDoc – MDC Berlin