COVID-19 RT-LAMP published in Clinical Chemistry
Our medRxiv preprint for fast COVID-19 diagnosis with Xiushan Yin and Wei-Hua Chen has been finally published in Clinical Chemistry.
Our medRxiv preprint for fast COVID-19 diagnosis with Xiushan Yin and Wei-Hua Chen has been finally published in Clinical Chemistry.
Please find attached instructions for the assemble of a fast and cheaper version of RT-qPCR kit.
Happy to share our collaboration for the rapid colorimetric detection of Covid19 (iLACO). […]
We just wort awarded a Scientific Network Facilitation Grant to facilitate our collaboration with Dr. Silvia Remeseiro an Umeå University in the context of the National Molecular Medicine Program (NMMP). Thanks for the support to stabilise this exiting collaboration. […]
We were recently awarded a shared postdoctoral position together with our collaborator Prof. Neus Visa from Stockholm University. This position is funded by Stockholm University and aimed to stimulate collaborations between principal investigators at SciLifeLab and other parts of the Stockholm University campus . […]
Our collaborators from Alfredo Castello Lab , just published this nice story in Molecular Cell: System-wide Profiling of RNA-Binding Proteins Uncovers Key Regulators of Virus Infection Great work!! And happy of our small contribution.
Happy to see our first collaboration with Sebastian Marquardt Lab (Copenhagen) published in PLoS Genetics. Great work !
Our collaborators from Giovanni Tonon Lab at San Raffaele Scientific Institute (Milan) have just published in EMBO Journal. Happy to have contributed to this study.
Our collaborator, Dr. Alfredo Castello (University of Oxford) has an open position for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in ‘Elucidating The Role of Cellular RNA-binding Proteins in Virus Infection’. Application form here. Deadline Monday 9 July 2018.